Teacher Pay Scale Calculator: 2023-2024 - Calculate Your Main Pay Scale

Main Pay Scale Teachers: The Definitive Guide to Calculating Your Main Pay Scale

Category Pay Point Pay (excluding London) Pay (including London)
Main Pay Range (MPR) M1 £30,000 £32,407
M2 £31,737 £34,103
M3 £33,814 £35,886
M4 £36,051 £37,763
M5 £38,330 £40,050
M6 £41,333 £43,193

Main Pay Scale Categories - Teachers Pay Scale 2023 to 2024

M1: £30,000 (£32,407 in London)

At the start of your teaching career, you'll likely begin at M1. This category offers a base salary of £30,000, which increases to £32,407 if you're teaching in London.

M2: £31,737 (£34,103 in London)

After one year of service, you progress to M2, where you'll earn £31,737. In London, this amount rises to £34,103.

M3: £33,814 (£35,886 in London)

With two years of experience, you'll move to M3, entitling you to a salary of £33,814. In London, this increases to £35,886.

M4: £36,051 (£37,763 in London)

After three years, teachers reach M4, which offers a salary of £36,051. In London, this rises to £37,763.

M5: £38,330 (£40,050 in London)

At the four-year mark, you'll progress to M5, earning a salary of £38,330. For London teachers, this amount goes up to £40,050.

M6: £41,333 (£43,193 in London)

Finally, with six years of experience, you'll reach M6, which provides a salary of £41,333. In London, this rises to £43,193.

Factors Influencing Main Pay Scale

Several factors can influence your position on the Main Pay Scale. These may include additional responsibilities, further qualifications, and the location of your school.

Advancements within the Main Pay Scale

Teachers have the opportunity to progress to higher pay ranges within the MPS through additional responsibilities or gaining advanced qualifications.

Additional Benefits and Allowances

Apart from the basic pay, teachers may receive additional benefits and allowances, such as TLR (Teaching and Learning Responsibility) payments and SEN (Special Educational Needs) allowances.

Calculating Your Main Pay Scale: Step by Step Guide

To calculate your Main Pay Scale, consider your years of experience, any additional responsibilities, and whether you are in London or elsewhere. Use the provided table for reference.

Main Pay Scale FAQs

Can I negotiate my salary on the Main Pay Scale?

While the MPS provides a structured pay system, there may be room for negotiation based on exceptional circumstances or additional qualifications.

What if I change schools? Does my pay scale change?

Your pay scale may change if you move to a school with a different pay range. It's essential to check with your new school's administration.

How often does the Main Pay Scale get reviewed?

The Main Pay Scale is subject to periodic reviews by educational authorities to ensure it remains competitive and fair.

Are there opportunities for pay progression beyond M6?

Yes, experienced teachers can progress to higher pay scales, such as the Upper Pay Scale (UPS) or Leadership Pay Scale (LPS), based on their achievements and responsibilities.

Can I appeal if I'm not satisfied with my pay scale placement?

If you believe your placement on the Main Pay Scale is incorrect, you have the right to appeal the decision with supporting evidence.

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