How to convert cubic meters of gas to kWh

To convert cubic meters of gas to kilowatt-hours (kWh) in the UK, you need to know the energy content of the gas, which is measured in terms of its calorific value (CV). The formula for the conversion is:

Steps to convert cubic meters of gas to kWh

  • kWh = (cubic meters of gas) * (CV) * (kWh per cubic meter per CV).
  • The CV for natural gas is typically around 39.5 MJ/m3. To convert MJ to kWh, divide by 3.6. So, the conversion factor is:
  • kWh per cubic meter per CV = 39.5 / 3.6 = 11.0278 kWh/m3.
  • Using this conversion factor, we can convert cubic meters of gas to kWh:
  • kWh = (cubic meters of gas) * 11.0278
  • For example, if you have 100 cubic meters of gas, the equivalent energy in kWh would be:
  • kWh = 100 * 11.0278 = 1102.78 kWh

Gas cubic meters to kWh calculator

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