Friendship Quiz For Whatsapp 2022/2023

  • Enter your name and start creating your own question.
  • Add new questions and set correct answer.
  • Once you have created your questions and set your answer, Click to generate sharabale link.
  • Share your link with your friends and they can answer.
  • You will be able to see your friends score on the sharable link.
  • Enter your name and start answering your the questions.
  • Your score will be show at the end of the quiz.
  • Your name and score will be displayed on the scoreboard.

Congrats Your Friendship Quiz is Ready!

Share friendship quiz link with your friends, You can check your friends score on the same link below. Your friends will guess the answer and will get a score out of

Copy URL Share on WhatsApp Go to Scoreboard

Congrats Congragulations! You have scored 7 out of 10

Your score will be displayed on home screen, click here to go to score board

scorebord start Welcome To The Scoreboard ! scoreboard end

Create Questions and Get Sharable Link